[1] [2] Anno Reg. 20.When the regent and the lord Talbot were re|turned againe into Normandie, the French king considering how much it should redound to his dis|honour to let rest the towne of Ponthoise in his eni|mies hands,Ponthoise gotten by the French. sith he had beene at such charges and tra|uell about the winning thereof, he eftsoones assem|bled all his puissance. And returning suddenlie vnto Ponthoise, he first by assault got the church, and after the whole towne, tooke the capteine, and diuerse other Englishmen, and slue to the number of foure hundred, which sold their liues dearelie: for one French writer affirmeth, that the French king lost there thrée thousand men; and the whole garrison of the Englishmen was but onelie a thousand. Among other that were slaine here of the defendants, Enguerant. Sir Nicho|las Burdet slaine. was sir Nicholas Burdet knight, cheefe butler of Nor|mandie. After this hot tempest, the weather began somewhat to war more calme: for king Henrie and king Charles agréed to send ambassadors to com|men of some good conclusion of peace: so that king Henrie sent the cardinall of Winchester, with di|uerse other noble personages of his councell to Ca|lis, with whome was also sent Charles duke of Or|leance yet prisoner in England, to the intent that he might be both author of the peace, and also procurer of his owne deliuerance.