[1] [2] Anno Reg. 19.About the beginning of Lent, the duke of Sum|merset, and the lord Talbot, with other capteins and men of warre to the number of two thousand, which they had assembled in the marches of Normandie to|wards Rone, marching forward towards Picar|die, passed ouer the riuer of Some; and through the towne of Monteruell, came before the fortresse of Folleuile, which the duke besieged, whilest the lord Talbot entered further into the countrie. After that the duke had mounted his great artillerie, E [...]guerant. and began to batter the hold, the capteine within chanced to be slaine with a shot of the same artillerie, & shortlie af|ter, the batterie being still continued, the rest of the men of warre that serued vnder him yƩelded the place, in which the duke left a competent garrison of souldiers, which afterwards sore indamaged the countrie.