[1] [2] In Nouember of this yeare, there was such a great frost, Anno Reg. 18. and after that so déepe a snow, that all the ground was couered therwith, and all the diches fro|sen. Which wether put the Englishmen in hope to re|couer againe the towne of Ponthoise, by the French king gotten before,Ponthoise re|couered by the English. by corrupting with monie di|uerse burgesses of the towne. Hervpon the English|men clothed all in white, with Iohn lord Clifford their capteine, came in the night to the diches, passed them without danger by reason of the frost, scaled the walles, slue the watch, and tooke the towne, with ma|nie profitable prisoners. ¶After the regaining of this towne, the lord Richard Beauchampe earle of War|wike died in the castell of Rone, from whence con|ueied into England, he was with solemne ceremo|nies buried at his college of Warwike, in a verie faire and sumptuous sepulchre.