[1] This yeare (by reason of great tempests) raging winds, and raine, there rose such scarsitie, Anno Reg. 17. Dearth of vittels. that wheat was sold at three shillings foure pense the bushell, wine at twelue pense the gallon, baisalt at fourtéene pense the bushell, and malt at thirteene shillings foure pense the quarter, and all other graines at ex|cessiue prices aboue the old rate. ¶ Wherevpon Steuen Browne (saith Polychronicon) at the same season maior of London, Abr. Fl. ex Polychr. tendering the state of the citie in this want of breadcorne, sent into Pruse cer|teine ships, which returned loden with plentie of rie: wherwith he did much good to the people in that hard time, speciallie to them of the citie, where the want of corne was not so extreame as in some other places of the land,Bread made of ferne roots. where the poore distressed people that were hungerbitten, made them bred of ferne roots, and v|sed other hard shifts, till God prouided remedie for their penurie by good successe of husbandrie.]