[1] [2] Anno Reg. 15.Shortlie after that the duke of Burgognie had béene before Calis, at the desire of princes, a truce for a time was moued to be had betwéene the king of England & the said duke. For which cause were sent to Grauelin for the king of England, Henrie Beau|ford cardinall of Winchester, Iohn lord Mowbraie duke of Northfolke, Humfrie earle of Stafford, and diuerse other well learned & honorable personages. And for the duke of Burgognie, there appeared the duchesse his wife, the bishop of Arras, the lord of Croie, and diuerse other. At this treatie, a truce was taken for a small time,A truce taken betwéene the king of Eng|land and the duchesse of Burgognie. and for a lesse obserued, which was concluded betweene the king of England, and the duchesse of Burgognie (interlacing the duke and his name.)