[1] But heere is one cheefe point to be noted, that ei|ther the disdeine amongest the cheefe péeres of the realme of England (as yée haue heard) or the negli|gence of the kings councell (which did not foresée dangers to come) was the losse of the whole domini|on of France, betwéene the riuers of Sone and Marne, and in especiall, of the noble citie of Paris. For where before, there were sent ouer thousands fo [...] defense of the holds and fortresses, now were sent hundreds, yea and scores, some rascals, and some not [page 613] able to draw a bowe, or carrie a bill: for the lord Willoughbie, and the bishop of Terwine, which had the gouernance of the great citie of Paris, had in their companie not two thousand Englishmen.