[1] [2] [3] The bastard of Orleance, Anno Reg called the earle of Du|nois, the lord Rochford marshall of France, with o|ther, in the beginning of this thirtéenth yeare, tooke the towne of S. Denis by treason, skirmished with them of Paris, and leauing behind them a great gar|rison, tooke the towne of Howdone, and Pont saint Maxence by composition. And at the same time was the towne of Pont Meulan taken by the sudden sca|ling of two fishermen,A tourne s [...]|prised by e [...]|trance of a common pri|uie. who entered vp at a common priuie standing in the wall. Thus warre continuallie lasted betwixt these two mightie nations, English and French, within the realme of France (than which therefore no countrie thought more miserable.) And though the poore people and inhabitants of the good townes and villages,The [...] warre. susteined most losse in their substance, yet the men of warre oftentimes paied déerest for the bargaine, being daily slaine, wounded, and taken prisoners: for warre seldome beareth anie other fruit.