[1] [2] [3] After this victorie, he besieged Louiers, whereof was capteine the Hire,Louiers be|sieged. and his brother, who rende|red the towne without assault. Then the earle assem|bling togither a great armie, returned againe to S. Selerine, & inuironed the towne with a strong siege. When he had lien there almost thrée moneths, eue|rie daie attempting or dooing somewhat, he finallie gaue so fierce an assault, that by force he entered the towne, and slue Iohn Almaigne, and Guilliam saint Albine,Saint Sele|rine won by assault. the chéefe capteins, and eight hundred other men of warre. The children of le seigneur de Lore were taken prisoners. The earle put new men of warre into the towne, and made capteine there sir Iohn Cornewall. After this, he before the strong towne of Sillie pitched his campe. The inhabitants terrified at the losse of saint Selerine, deliuered him pledges, vpon condition; that if they were not re|scued within thirtie daies next, then they (their liues saued) should render the towne into his possession: which offer was receiued.