[1] In the meane season, Anno Reg. [...] the Frenchmen entering into high Burgognie, burnt, tooke, and destroied di|uerse townes; wherevpon the Burgognians assem|bled a great armie, both to reuenge their quarrels, and to recouer their townes taken from them. To whome as to his freends the duke of Bedford sent the lord Willoughbie, and sir Thomas Kiriell, with a conuenient number of souldiers, which entering in|to the lands of Laonnois, were incountered with a great power of their enimies. But after long fight, the Frenchmen were ouerthrowne, and of them left dead in the field an hundred and sixtie horssemen, be|side prisoners,Prisoners killed. which after vpon vrgent cause were all killed.