[1] [2] Whilest these things were dooing in France, the cardinall of Winchester was come backe againe into England, to appease certeine commotions and sturres a [...]tempted by sundrie persons vnder colour of religion: but after that William Mandeuile, and Iohn Sharpe the chéefe authors thereof were appre|hended and executed by the gouernour and the kings iustices,The two er|rours. the residue yeelded and confessed their offen|ses, whereof two articles were these (as some write) that priests should haue no possessions, and that all things by the order of charitie among christian peo|ple should be in common. Other thought their opini|ons were not such errours, but that their enimies spread abroad such rumors of them, to make them more odious to the people.