[1] [2] [3] The next daie after the solemne feast of the kings coronation, were kept triumphant iusts and torneis, in the which the earle of Arundell, and the bastard of S. Paule, by the iudgement of the ladies woone the price. The king kept open hall the space of fiue daies to all commers, and after (bicause the aire of Paris séemed contrarie to his pure complexion) by the ad|uise of his councell, he remooued to Rone, where he kept his Christmasse. But before his departure from Paris, the noble men as well of France and Nor|mandie did to him homage, and the common people sware to him fealtie. In this meane time, sir Francis called the Aragoignois, a noble capteine of the Eng|lish part in Normandie, tooke by force and policie the towne of Montargis,Montargis recouered by the English. with a great preie of treasure and prisoners, and put therein a garrison, leauing it well furnished with vittels and munition.