[1] [2] [3] Anno Reg. 9.Sir Iohn de Lutzenburgh was left by the duke of Burgognie as generall of the siege before Cam|piegne, the which he raised within a shorrt space after, contrarie to the minds of the Englishmen, which were verie desirous to haue lien there till the towne had béene rendered, which if the siege had béene conti|nued but eight daies longer, must needs haue come to passe; by reason that pestilence and famine had al|most consumed all the souldiers within the towne, so that it remained in maner without defense. After the breaking vp of this siege, Iohn duke of Norf|folke tooke againe the townes of Dampmartine, and the Chasse Mongaie, with diuerse other townes. Also the earle of Stafford tooke the towne of Brin countie Robert, and from thence forraged all the countrie to Sens, and after tooke Quesnoie in Brie, Grand Puis, and Rampellon.