[1] [2] [3] The earle of Warwike was appointed to lie with a great number of men of warre, at S. Mar|thelines de Archempe, to incounter the Frenchmen, if they would attempt to aid or vittell those within the towne. The situation of this towne was such, that by reason of waters and marishes, the English armie must néeds seuer it selfe into thrée parts, so that the one could not easilie helpe the other, but ei|ther by boats or bridges. This siege continued aboue two moneths, so that in the meane time the French|men had leasure to prouide for the succour thereof; and so it came to passe, that the constable of France Arthur of Britaine, the lord Boisac one of the mar|shals, Stephan la Hire, Pothon de Saintreiles, the lord Grauile, and diuerse others, to the number of three thousand horssemen, were sent foorth by the Dolphin.