[1] [2] The earle in his returne wan the castell of Mont|dublean by surrender;The earle of Warwike made gouer|nour of the yoong king. where he left the valiant lord Willoughbie, and then returned to Paris. During which season, he was ordeined by the thrée estates of the realme of England, to be gouernour of the yoong king in the place of the duke of Excester deceassed: howbeit, he did not as yet returne into England, but remained in France for a season, and atchieued manie worthie enterprises. Whilest the lord regent of France was thus in England, Anno Reg. 5. meanes was made by the duke of Burgognie, for the deliuerie of the duke of Alanson, taken at the battell of Uer|noile, and now for the summe of two hundred thou|sand crownes he was set at libertie; but he would not by anie meanes acknowlege the king of England to be his liege and souereigne lord.