[1] This yeare after Easter, the king called a parle|ment at Westminster, by aduise of the péeres; Anno Reg. 3. and comming to the parlement house himselfe, he was conueied through the citie vpon a great courser, with great triumph, the people flocking into the stréets to behold the child, whome they iudged to haue the liue|lie image and countenance of his father, and like to succeed him, and be his heire in all princelie quali|ties, martiall policies, and morall vertues, aswell as in his realmes, seigniories and dominions.A subsidie of tunnage and poundage. In this parlement was granted to the king a subsidie of twelue pence the pound, towards the maintenance of his warres, of all merchandize, comming in or go|ing out of the realme, as well of Englishmen as strangers.