[1] [2] After this fortunate victorie was the earle of Sa|lisburie made (by the lord regent) lieutenant and vice|gerent for the king and the said lord regent in the countries of France, Brie, and Champaigne; Anno Reg. [...]. and sir Iohn Fastolf was substituted deputie vnder the lord regent within the duchie of Normandie on this side the riuer of Seine; and withall he was also made go|uernour of the countries of Aniou and Maine. The earle of Salisburie after fiue moneths siege, wan by surrender the towne and castell of Montaguillon in Brie; the capteins whereof, the one named Pregent of Cotinie, and Guille Bourgois Britons, sware ne|uer [page 587] to beare armour against the Englishmen on this side the riuer of Loire. In the meane time of that siege, the earle of Suffolke tooke by force the ca|stell of Coucie, and the strong castell of la Roch in Masconnois he got by appointment.