[1] Of learned men and writers, these I find remem|bred by Bale and others, to haue liued in the daies of this noble and valiant king Henrie the fift. First, Alaine de Lin, borne in Lin, and professed a Car|melite frier in that towne, he at length became prior of that conuent, proceeded doctor of diuinitie in Cam|bridge, and wrote manie treatises; Thomas Otter|borne that wrote an historie of England, is thought to liue about this season, he was a Franciscan or graie frier, as they called them, a great student both in diuinitie and philosophie; Iohn Seguard an excel|lent poet, and a rhetorician, kept a schoole, and read to his scholers in Norwich, as is supposed, writing sundrie treatises, reproouing as well the profaning of the christian religion in monks and priests, as the abuse of poetrie in those that tooke vpon them to write filthie verses and rimes; Robert Rose a frier of the Carmelites order in Norwich commonlie cal|led the white friers, both an excellent philosopher, and diuine, procéeded doctor at Oxenford, promoted to be prior of his house, and writing diuerse treatises: a|mongst all the sophists of his time (as saith Bale) he offended none of the Wickleuists, who in that season set foorth purelie the word of God, as maie appeare by his workes.