[1] Thus ended this puissant prince his most noble and fortunate reigne, whose life (saith Hall) though cruell Atropos abbreuiated; yet neither fi [...]e, malice, nor [...]retting time shall appall his honour, or blot out the glorie of him that in so small time had doone so ma|nie and roiall acts. W. P. [In this yeare, the one and twen|tith of October deceassed the gentle and welbeloued Charles French king the sixt of [...] name, who was buried at S. Denis. Abr. Fl. out of Angl. prael. ] ¶So that betwéene the death of these two kings, namelie the one of England, the other of France, there was no great space of time; sith Charles departed in October, and Henrie in Au|gust: by the priuation of whose liues, which of the two realmes susteined the greater losse, it is a question not to be discussed. Certeine it is that they were both souereigns tenderlie loued of their subiects, as they were princes greatlie fauouring their people. Fi|nallie, in memorie of this Henrie the fift, a king of a roiall hart, and euerie waie indued with imperiall vertues, I find so fit a report co [...]spiring in truth with his properties and disposition, that I thinke it verie conuenient here to be inserted in place of an epitaph:
Henrici illustris properans mors occupat artus,Ille suae patriae decus immortale per aeuumVenturum, virtutis & indelebile lumen,Celso anim [...] prorsus, leni quoque pectore ciuesN [...]n solum, at iustos hostes fideíqu [...] probataeDilexit, niueo raro ira [...]undior ore.