[1] [2] [3] About the same time, Titus Liuius. The duke [...] Britaine s [...]|deth ambassa|dors to the [...] of England. the duke of Britaine sent his chancellor the bishop of Maunts, with the bishop of Uannes, and others of his councell, as ambassa|dors from him vnto king Henrie, with full commissi|on, to ratifie and allow for him and his people the peace concluded at Troies: but by reason of the kings gréeuous sicknesse, nothing was then doone in that matter. Neuerthelesse, the duke himselfe in per|son came afterwards to Amiens, and there perfor|med that which he had appointed his ambassadors at this time, in his name, to haue doone and accompli|shed. [page 583] In the meane season,The king of England is [...]rought sicke to Bois de Uincennes. king Henrie waxed sicker and sicker, and so in an horsselitter was coueied to Bois de Uincennes, to whome shortlie after repai|red the dukes of Bedford and Glocester, & the earles of Salisburie and Warwike, whome the king lo|uinglie welcomed, and séemed glad of their presence.