[1] [2] [3] [4] There were also foure persons excepted, against whome the king might by order of law and iustice procéed as he saw cause, for their faults and trespas|ses committed. As first, the capteine of the towne, named the bastard of Uauren, the which had doone manie gréeuous oppressions to the people of the countrie thereabouts, in spoiling them of their goods and ransoming them at his pleasure. He had also put diuerse to death most cruellie, when they were not able to paie such finance and ransomes as he deman|ded. Wherevpon, being now put to death himselfe, his bodie was hanged vpon a trée that stood on an hill without the towne, on the which he had caused both husbandmen and townesmen, with other priso|ners, to be hanged before time. His standard also, which was woont to be borne before him in battell, was set vp in the same trée. The bailiffe also of the towne, and two of the chéefest burgesses that had béene of counsell with him in his vnlawfull dooings, were likewise executed. Also beside these, there were found in this towne diuerse that were accused to be guiltie of the duke of Burgognies death, wherefore they were put to their triall, in the parlement at Pa|ris, and some of them being found guiltie, were exe|cuted.