[1] [2] Continuation de la chroni|cles de Flan|ders. The capteins within, perceiuing in what case they stood, by reason their succours were thus intercep|ted, and doubting to be taken by assault, for that they wanted munition and weapon, began to treat with the king of England, who appointed the earle of Warwike, and the lord Hungerford, to commune with them; and in conclusion an accord was taken, and so the towne and market place with all the goods were deliuered into the king of Englands hands, the tenth daie of Maie, in the yeare 1422. The ap|pointment taken with them of this towne was this, that they should yƩeld themselues simplie vnto the kings pleasure, Titus Liuius. The conditi|ons of the surrender of Meaux into the kings hands. their liues onlie saued: and herevp|on manie of them were sent ouer into England, a|mongst whome was the bishop of that towne, which shortlie after his arriuall here fell sicke and died.