[1] Whilest the siege still continued before Meaux,Oliuer Man|nie. O|liuer Mannie a valiant man of warre of the Dol|phins part (which before was capteine of Faleise, and yéelding it, sware neuer to beare armour against the king of England) assembled a great number of men of warre, as well Britaines as Frenchmen, that is to saie, the lord Montborchier, the lord of Coinon, the [page 582] lord of Chatelgiron, the lord Tintignace, the lord de la Howssaie, and diuerse other, which entered into the countrie of Constantine in Normandie, and robbed and killed the Englishmen, where they might either espie or take them at their due aduantage. But the earle of Suffolke kéeper of the marches, hearing of their dooings, sent for the lord Scales, sir Iohn As|ton bailiffe of Constantine, sir William Hall, sir Iohn Banaster, and many other, out of the garrisons within that territorie, the which incountred with their enimies at a place called Le parke leuesque, in En|glish, The bishops parke.