[1] The king held his Christmasse at the siege before Meaux, for he would not giue ouer that siege, al|though his armie was greatlie diminished, by reason of lacke of vittels, extreame cold, foule weather, and other discommodities that bred great store of disea|ses and sickenesse among his people; Titus Liuius. notwithstan|ding, all the helps and means that might be, he deui|sed to remedie the same: so that beside such as died, as well of sickenesse as by the enimies hand, manie returned home into their countries. But yet he ceas|sed not to continue the siege, beating the walles with his ordinance, and casting downe bulworkes and rampiers on ech side the towne, made approches as well by water as land, with mightie engines deui|sed of boords to defend the Englishmen, as they ap|proched the walles, and gaue assaults. The walles al|so were in diuerse places vndermined.