[1] Shortlie after, the king himselfe came, and lodged in the abbeie of Pharon, the duke of Excester in the abbeie de Chage, the earle of March at the greie fri|ers, and the earle of Warwike directlie against that part that is called la March. They within defended themselues right valiantlie, so that the Englishmen were not all at their ease, but specialie through lacke of vittels manie died, and manie fell sicke, by reason whereof, no small number returned home into Eng|land; where in the meane time, on the first of Decem|ber, a parlement was called and holden at West|minster,A parlement called by the duke of Bed|ford, the king being in France. by the duke of Bedford, gouernour of the realme in the kings absence. ΒΆ In this parlement, a fifteenth was granted to the king towards the main|tenance of the warres, the one moitie to be paid at Candlemasse, and the other at Martinmasse, of such monie as at the time of the grant was currant.