[1] Herevpon the king of England incontinentlie, did not onlie send backe the duke of Burgognie into Picardie,The king o [...] Scots ser|ueth king Henrie. Dreux besie|ged & rendred to the Eng|lishmen. to resist the attempts of sir Iaques de Harecourt, which made war in that countrie for the Dolphin; but also appointed the king of Scots, with the duke of Glocester, to besiege the towne of Dreux. They comming thither about the eighteenth of Iulie, planted siege on euerie side, both of the towne and castell; and what with power of batrie, and other for|cible meanes, so constreined them within, that on the eight daie of August they compounded, that if no suf|ficient rescue came to raise the siege, before the end of twelue daies next insuing, both the towne and castell should be deliuered to the king of Englands vse, so as the soldiers might depart with their goods whither they would, except one Englishman, which was knowen to be amongst them, being fled for treason out of the kings dominions.