[1] The king himselfe shortlie after, about the middle of Maie, passed the seas to Calis,He tooke sea at Douer [...] fourth of Iune, as Tiu [...] Liuius saith, and so saie the chronicles [...] Flanders. and so from thence he marched through the countrie vnto Boies de Uin|cennes, where the French king and the queene a [...] then soiourned. The duke of Burgognie also that had receiued him at Monstruell, attended him to Do|wast in Ponthieu, and there hauing taken leaue of him for six daies, returned now againe to him, accor|ding to his promise. Then did they consult togither about their affaires, and appointed in all hast to fight with the Dolphin, and to raise the siege of Chartres which he had there planted. Herevpon, the king of England with all his puissance, came to the towne of Mante, and thither repaired the duke of Burgognie; but yer they departed from thence, they had know|ledge, that the Dolphin hearing of the puissant armie of the king of England approching towards him, was recoiled with his people towards Towers in Touraine.