[1] After he had kept his Easter at Leicester, he with the quéene remooued and went northward, till they came to Yorke, where they were receiued with great ioy of the citizens, and other the nobles and gentle|men of the countrie. The king went vnto Beuerlie, to visit the shrine of saint Iohn, and immediatlie vp|on his departure from thence, the sorowfull newes of his brother the duke of Clarences death, came to him, for which he was right pensife. But sith mour|ning would not auaile, he called to remembrance what he had to doo, and therevpon without delaie, sent Edmund earle of Mortaigne,The earle of Mortaigne [...]ade lieute|nant of Nor|mandie. brother to the earle of Summerset into Normandie, giuing to him like au|thoritie and preheminence, as his brother the late de|ceassed duke of Clarence had before enioied.