[1] At this same time, the thrée estates of the realme of France assembled at Paris, and there euerie per|son seuerallie sware vpon the holie euangelists,The oth of the threé esta|tes of Frãce. to keepe, support, mainteine and defend the treatie and finall accord, which was concluded betwéene the two kings, and thereto euerie noble man, spirituall go|uernour and temporall ruler, set to their seales, which instruments were sent to the kings treasurie of his eschecker at Westminster safelie to be kept, where they yet remaine. The French king at the same time being in good and perfect state of health, openlie there in parlement declared, that peace was concluded, accorded, and made by his frée assent, and with the ad|uise of all the councell of France, and that he would for his owne part, and that his successors ought for their parts, obserue and kéepe the same, with all the articles therein conteined. And likewise, that all his subiects were bound for euer, to obserue and kéepe the same, without breaking or dooing anie thing preiudi|ciall therevnto.