[1] From thence the king departed with his armie vnto Corbeill, where the French king and the two queenes then soiourned; and after, both the kings, ac|companied with the dukes of Bedford, Burgognie, Glocester, and Excester, and the earls of Warwike [page 578] and Salisburie, with a great number of noble men and knights, set foorth towards Paris, whome the ci|tizens in good order met without the gates, and the cleargie also with solemne procession. All the streets were hanged with rich clothes,King Henrie is receiued in at Paris. the two kings rode togither (the king of England giuing the vpper hand to his father in lawe) through the great citie of Pa|ris, to our ladie church, where after they had said their deuotions, they departed vnto their lodgings; the French king to the house of S. Paule, and the king of England to the castell of Louer.