[1] Monsieur de Barbason was accused by the duke of Burgognie, Titus Liuiusī€­ and his sisters as guiltie to their fa|thers death; but he in open court defended himselfe as not guiltie of that crime, granting indeed and con|fessing, that he was one of the familiar seruants to the Dolphin, but that he was priuie or consenting to the death of the duke of Burgognie, he vtterlie deni|ed. Wherevpon he was not condemned, neither yet acquited, by reason of such presumptions and coniec|tures as were alledged and brought against him, so that he remained in prison at Paris and else-where, the space of nine yeares, till at length, being brought vnto castell Galliard, it chanced that the same castell was woone by those of the Dolphins part, and he be|ing as then prisoner there, escaped out of danger, and so by that means was set at libertie, as after shall appeare.