[1] The king inforced this siege by all waies and meanes possible, to bring the towne into subiection, as well by mines as otherwise, but they within the towne so valiantlie behaued themselues, as well by countermines (whereby at length they entered into the kings mines) as by other waies of resistance, that by force of assaults it was not thought anie ea|sie matter to win the same. It fortuned on a daie, that whilest there rose a contention betwixt two lords of the kings host,The trãslator of Ti [...]. Liuius. who should haue the honor to go first into the mine, to incounter with the French|men, that now had brought their mine through into the English mines, and made barriers betwixt, that they might safelie come and fight with the English|men:K. Henrie and mõsieur Bar|bason fight hand to hand. the king (to auoid the strife) entered the mine himselfe first of all other, and by chance came to fight hand to hand with the lord Barbason, who was likewise entered the mine before all other of them within the towne.