[1] At the first laieng of the siege, he called all the sol|diers there in garrison, and likewise the townesmen afore him, and warned them all on paine of death, that none of them should be so hardie, as to treat, or once to motion anie word of surrendring the towne, or of comming to anie composition or agréement with the two kings; except they made him being their capteine priuie thereto, before they attempted anie such thing. ¶ In the meane season, the French queene, the queene of England, and the duches of Burgognie, lieng at Corbeill, came diuerse times to visit their husbands, and to sée their fréends; whome the king of England highlie feasted, and louinglie interteined, that euerie creature reported great ho|nour of him. Titus Liuius. This towne of Melun séemed verie strong, both by reason of the riuer of Seine, which compassed part thereof, and also by strong walles, turrets, ditches, and bulworks made about it.