[1] The king of England, after all the articles of the said treaties and agréements were concluded,The effect of king Henries oration to the French king. passed and sworne vnto, made to the French king, the duke of Burgognie, and other the French lords, a sumptu|ous banket; and before they departed from the same, he sadlie and with great grauitie made to them a right pithie and sententious oration, declaring to them both how profitable the ioining of the two kingdomes should be to the subiects of the same, and also the right that he had thereto, being by lineall des|cent of the womans side (which is the furest) rather a Frenchman than an Englishman. And though he was an Englishman borne, yet he assured them to tender the wealth of the realme of France, as much as he would the aduancement of his owne natiue countrie of England.