[1] [2] On the fourtéenth of Iune being fridaie, Tho. Walsi. there was a solemne procession at London, and a sermon at Paules crosse, in which the preacher openlie declared the effect of the kings mariage, and the articles con|cluded vpon the same, by reason wherof (he said) there must be a new great seale deuised, and the old bro|ken, and in the new the kings name with a new ad|dition of his title as regent of France, and heire ap|parant of that kingdome was to be ingrauen. Be|side the league thus concluded by king Henrie with the French king,A league be|twéene king Henrie & the duke of Bur|gognie. and the whole bodie of the realme of France, there was a priuat league accorded be|twixt him and the duke of Burgognie, the effect wher|of was comprehended in articles as followeth.