[1] [2] [3] The duke of Burgognie accompanied with ma|nie noble men, receiued him two leagues without the towne, and conueied him to his lodging. All his armie was lodged in small villages thereabout. And after that he had reposed himselfe a little,King Henrie commeth to Trois to the French king. he went to visit the French king, the quéene, and the ladie Ka|tharine, whome he found in saint Peters church, where was a verie ioious méeting betwixt them (and this was on the twentith daie of Maie) and there the king of England,King Henrie affieth the French king [...] daughter and the ladie Katharine were af|fianced. After this, the two kings and their councell assembled togither diuerse daies, wherein the first concluded agreement was in diuerse points altered and brought to a certeinetie, according to the effect aboue mentioned. When this great matter was fi|nished, the kings sware for their parts to obserue all the couenants of this league and agreement. Like|wise the duke of Burgognie and a great number of other princes and nobles which were present, recei|ued an oth, the tenor whereof (as the duke of Burgo|gnie vttered it in solemne words) thus insueth, Titus Liuius ac|cordinglie as the same is exemplified by Titus Liuius De Foro Luuisiis in Latine.