[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] About the same time, there came againe ambassa|dours to him from Charles the French king, & from the yoong duke of Burgognie to treat with him of some good conclusion of peace to be had; who had no such trust in their sute, but that he doubted their mea|ning, and therefore ceassed not to procéed in the win|ning of townes and castels, as he was in hand. Now when Christmasse approched, the king withdrew to Rone, and there kept the solemnization of that feast, appointing in the meane time his men of warre to be occupied as occasion serued. The earle of Salisburie was sent to besiege the towne of Fresneie, the which after stout resistance made at the first, shortlie after was deliuered to him to the kings vse. Anno Reg. 8. The earles Marshall and Huntington, sir Iohn Gréene Corne|wall, [page 572] sir Philip Léech, and diuerse other, were sent in|to the countrie of Maine, where, not farre from the citie of Mens they were incountered by a power of Frenchmen, which the Dolphin had sent against them.A great victo|rie on the English side. There was at the first a sharpe bickering be|twixt them, but in the end the victorie remained with the Englishmen; so that manie of the Frenchmen were slaine, and taken, and the residue chased out of the field. There were slaine (as Thomas Walsing|ham saith) at the point of fiue thousand, and two hun|dred taken prisoners, among whome was the mar|shall de Rous, and diuerse other of good account. The two English earles remained there as victors, in the countrie which was by the king to them assigned.