[1] [2] [3] And bicause they of the garrison that laie in the castell of Uancon Uillers had doone, Titus Liuius. & dailie did di|uerse and sundrie displeasures to the Englishmen, he pight downe his field néere to the same, the better to restraine them from their hostile attempts, and withall sent part of his armie to besiege the castell,The castell of Uancon [...]|lers bes [...]eged and taken. which put them in such feare, that they despairing of all reléefe or succour, and perceiuing they should not be able long to defend the place against the kings puissance, yéelded the place, with all their coine and other goods into the kings hands. Titus Liuius. The soldiers of that garrison, and the inhabitants, at the contempla|tion of a certeine ladie there amongst them, were li|cenced by the king to depart without armor or wea|pon, onelie with their liues saued. Iohn of Burgh that was after basliffe of Gisours, was appointed capteine of this castell.