[1] [2] The French king, and the duke of Burgognie li|eng at saint Denis, in this season, departed from thence with the quéene and hir daughter, and went to Trois in Champaigne, there to consult of their businesse, hauing left at Paris the earle of S. Paule, and the lord Lisle Adam, with a great puissance to defend the citie. The king of England immediatlie after that Pontoise was woone (as before yee haue heard) came thither in person, as well to giue order for the placing of a sufficient garrison there for de|fense thereof; as to proce [...]d further into the countrie for the getting of other townes and places: and so after he had well prouided for the good gouernment, & safe kéeping thereof, the eighteenth daie of August he departed out of the same with his maine armie.