[1] [2] This captau was brother to the earle of Fois.Moreouer, about the closing of the daie and night in the euening, he sent foorth the erle of Huntington with other bands of soldiers, to succor and assist the other, if they chanced to enter the towne according to the order taken. Those that were first sent foorth (according to their instructions) conueid themselues so closelie to their appointed places, that the enimies heard nothing of their dooings. Wherevpon when the night was come, Hall. they came in secret wise vnder the walles, and there watched their time till the morning began to draw on. In the meane time, whilest the watch was departed, and before other were come in|to their places to relieue it,Pontoise sur|prised by the Englishmen. the Englishmen setting vp their ladders, entered and brake open one of the gates to receiue the other that followed.