[1] This agréement was made the sixt of Iulie in the yeare 1419. It was ingrossed by notaries,An agréement betwéene the duke of Bur|gognie & the Dolphin. signed with their hands, and sealed with their great seales of armes: but as the sequele shewed, hart thought not what toong spake, nor mind meant not that hand wrote. Whiles these things were a dooing, Titus Liuius diuerse of the Frenchmen in Rone went about a conspiracie against the Englishmen, whereof the king being well aduertised, sent thither certeine of his nobles, which tried out these conspirators,A conspiracie in Rone. caused them to be apprehended, had them in examination, and such as they found guiltie were put to death; and so setting the citie in quietnes, returned to the king, who coun|ted it great honor to kéepe the countries which he woone by conquest in obedience and aw; sith such vi|ctories are not obteined without sore labour and toile, both of prince and people, as the poet rightlie saith:
Quaerere regna, labor; virtus est parta tueriMaxima.In Angl. prel. sub Hen. 5.