[1] [2] The king without doubt was highlie displeased in his mind, that this communication came to no bet|ter passe. Wherefore he mistrusting that the duke of Burgognie was the verie let and stop of his desires, said vnto him before his departure:
Coosine, we will haue your kings daughter, and all things that we de|mand with hir, or we will driue your king and you out of his realme. Well (said the duke of Burgognie) before you driue the king and me out of his realme, you shall be well wearied, and therof we doubt little.Shortlie after, the duke of Burgognie and the Dol|phin met in the plaine fields besides Melun, and there comming togither, concluded apparantlie an open peace and amitie, which was proclamed in Paris, Amiens, and Pontoise.