[1] Some authors write that the Dolphin to staie that no agréement should passe, Chro. of Flan|ders. sent sir Taneguie de Chastell to the duke of Burgognie, declaring that if he would breake off the treatie with the English|men, he would then common with him; and take such order, that not onelie they but the whole realme of France should thereof be glad and reioise. Howso|euer it came to passe, truth it is, Titus Liuius. that where it was a|gréed, that they should eftsoones haue met in the same place on the third of Iulie; the king according to that appointment came: but there was none for the French part, neither quéene nor duke that once ap|peared; so that it was manifest inough how the fault rested not in the Englishmen, but in the French|men. By reason wherof no conclusion sorted to effect of all this communication, saue onlie that a certeine sparke of burning loue was kindled in the kings heart by the sight of the ladie Katharine.