[1] The earle at his comming to Prouince was ho|norablie receiued, and hauing doone the effect of his message, returned; and with him the earle of saint Paule, and the sonne and heire of the duke of Bur|bon were also sent as ambassadors from the French king, to conclude vpon the time and place of the mée|ting, with all the circumstances. Whervpon the king of England agréed to come to the towne of Mante, with condition that the duke of Burgognie, and o|ther for the French king should come to Pontoise, that either part might méet other in a conuenient place betwixt those two townes néere to Meulan. According to this appointment, K. Henrie came to Mante, where in the feast of Pentecost he kept a libe|rall house to all commers, and sate himselfe in great estate. Upon the which daie, either for good seruice al|readie by them doone, or for the good expectation of things to come,Creation of earles. he created Gascoigne de Fois, o|therwise called the captau or captall de Buef a vali|ant Gascoigne, earle of Longueuile; and sir Iohn Greie earle of Tankeruile, and the lord Bourchier earle of Ew.