[1] [2] [3] Herewith intending to build vpon this fraile foundation, he sent letters and ambassadors to the king of England,Ambassadors sent on either side. aduertising him, that if he would personallie come to a communication to be had be|tweene him and Charles the French king, he doubted not but by his onlie meanes, peace should be brought in place, and bloudie battell cléerelie exiled. King Henrie giuing courteous eare to these ambassadors, sent with them the earle of Warwike as his ambas|sador, Titus Liuius. accompanied with two hundred gentlemen to talke with the duke, as then remaining in the French court at the towne of Prouince. The earle was assailed by the waie as he iournied, by a great number of rebellious persons, gotten into armour of purpose to haue spoiled him of such monie and things as he and his companie had about them. But by the high valiancie of the English people, with the aid of their bowes, the Frenchmen were discomfi|ted and chased.