[1] [2] In this sixt yeare, whilest these things were adoo|ing in Normandie,She was cõ|mitted to the safe kéeping of Pelham, who appointed hir nine seruants to attend hir [...] conueied h [...]r to the castell of Pompsey Tho. Walsin. Frier Rãdoll. quéene Io [...]e late wife of king Henrie the fourth, and mother in law to this king, was arested by the duke of Bedford the kings lieute|nant in his absence, and by him committed to safe kéeping in the castell of Leeds in Kent, there to a|bide the kings pleasure About the same time, one frier Randoll of the order of Franciscanes that pro|fessed diuinitie, and had béene confessor to the same queene, was taken in the Ile of Gernesey; and being first brought ouer into Normandie, was by the kings commandement sent hither into England, and committed to the Tower, where he remained till the parson of the Tower quarelling with him, by chance slue him there within the Tower ward. It was reported that he had conspired with the quéene by forcerie and necromancie to destroie the king.