[1] [2] [3] Moreouer it was accorded, that euerie soldier and stranger, being in the said citie and castell, should sweare on the euangelists before their departure, not to beare armour against the king of England, before the first daie of Ianuarie next to come. Also they within the towne should suffer all the poore people li|eng in ditches, or about the ditches of the citie, which for penurie were chased out, to enter the citie againe and to find them sufficient food till the said ninetéenth daie of Ianuarie. There were diuerse other articles, in all to the number of two and twentie agréed as|well on the behalfe of the citizens, as of king Hen|rie, who granted, that all the souldiers, strangers, and other within the said citie and castell at that time, be|ing not willing to become his lieges, should depart, after that the citie and castell was once yéelded, frée|lie without let, leauing to the said king all their ar|mors, horsses, harnesse, & goods, except the Normans, which if they should refuse to become lieges to him, were appointed to remaine as his prisoners, togither with one Luca Italico,Luca Italico. The vicar generall of the archbi|shoprike of Rone for de|nouncing the king accursed was deliuered to him and de|teined in pri|son till he died. Titus Liuius. One Alane Blanchart was likewise deliuered to him, & by his cõmandement [...]ut to death. Trãslator of Titus Liuius. King Hẽries entrie into Rone. and certeine others.