[1] The tents were againe set vp,The articles cõcerning the yéelding vp of Rone. and dailie they met togither, and on the fourth daie they accorded on this wise, that the citie and castell of Rone should be deli|uered vnto the king of England, at what time after the middest of the ninetéenth daie of that present mo|neth of Ianuarie, the said king willed the same; and that all the capteins and other men whatsoeuer, dwel|ling or being within the said citie and castell, should submit them in all things to the grace of the said [page 568] king: and further, that they should paie to the said king thrée hundred thousand scutes of gold, where|of alwaies two should be woorth an English noble, or in stead of euerie s [...]ute thirtie great blankes white, or fiftéene grotes.