[1] [2] The commissioners for the English part were the earles of Warwike and Salisburie, the lord Fitz Hugh, sir Walter Hungerford, sir Gilbert Umfre|uile, sir Iohn Robsert, and Iohn de Uasques de Al|mada. And for the French part were appointed, sir Guie de Butteler, and six others.Cõmissioners appointed. These commissio|ners met euery daie, arguing and reasoning about a conclusion, but nothing was doone the space of eight daies, nor so much as one article concluded: wherfore the Englishmen tooke downe the tents, & the French|men tooke their leaue: but at their departing they re|membring themselues, required the English lords (for the loue of God) that the truce might indure till the sunne rising the next daie, to the which the lords assented.