[1] [2] Finallie, the whole number of the Frenchmen [page 567] within the citie were brought to such a [...] extremitie for want of vittels, that they were in danger all to haue starued. Wherevpon being now pas [...] hope of reléefe, they determined to treat with the king of England, and so vpon Nowyeares euen there came to the wals such as they had chosen amongst them for commissioners, which made a sign [...] to the Eng|lishmen lieng without the gate of the bridge, to speake with some gentleman, or other person of au|thoritie. The earle of Huntington, which kept that part, sent to them sir Gilbert Umfrouile; vnto whom they declared, that if they might haue a safe conduct, they would gladlie come foorth to speake with the king. Sir Gilbert repairing to the duke of Clarence, and other of the kings councell, aduertised them of this request.