[1] The king of England, to preuent the enimies pur|pose, Chron. S. [...] A large [...] without the campe. caused a large trench to be cast without his campe, which was pight full of sharpe stakes, with a great rampire fensed with bulworks, and turne|pikes, in as defensible wise as might be deuised, Sir Robert Bapthorpe, knight, was appointed comptroller, to see this worke performed, which he did with all diligence accomplish; in like case as he had doone, when the other trench and rampire strong|lie staked and hedged was made at the first betwixt the campe and the citie, to restreine such as in the be|gining of the siege rested not to pricke foorth of the gates on horsse backe. And so by this meanes was the armie defended both behind and before.